Delivery & Returns

Refund Policy

If returned within 30 days:
One hundred percent (100%) of the purchase price of the product sold if the returned product is unopened and resalable and returned at the member’s own cost within thirty (30) days from the order date.

If returned within a year:
Ninety percent (90%) of the purchase price of the product sold if the returned product is unopened and resalable and returned at the member’s own cost within twelve (12) months from the order date.

For further details regarding Nu Skin’s return and refund policy please see the Policies and Procedures at Chapter 2, Sections 4 and 5, which are found here.

Delivery Times & Costs


One-Time order (Standard Shipping) - $5.99 USD
Subscription order (Standard Shipping) - $2.99 USD

Standard Shipping is 2-6 Days
Delivery time may vary depending on location and can take up to 10 days.

Complete your order by 2:00pm (MT) to ship same business day
Orders placed after 2:00pm (MT) will ship the following business day
Orders placed on the weekend are shipped the following business day.

Express Shipping $15 (1-3 Days) all orders
Premium Shipping $35 (1 Day) all orders (Saturday Delivery $45)


Standard Shipping - $7.50 CAD

Standard Shipping delivery is 2-4 Days.


Free Shipping for all orders over $99,00 AUD

Standard Shipping - $9.99 AUD. 

Standard Shipping delivery is 1-4 Days.


Free Shipping for all orders over $99 NZD!

Regular Online Orders - $5.00 NZD

Receive your orders within 1-3 business days.


Free Shipping for all orders over £339.50 GBP!

Regular Online Orders - £3.99 GBP

Receive your orders within 1-3 business days.